TSI Coronavirus Statement
TSI Turbo Service International Ltd is implementing measures in relation to the ongoing spread of COVID-19 as part of our duty of care to all employees and visitors.
It’s business as usual here at our offices but with the following precautions in place:
- Hand sanitisers are placed at our reception and will be taken to all external events, such as networking, customer visits and exhibition events.
- Please assess your own health prior to visiting our office and inviting us to your premises. We kindly ask that you do not attend if you are experiencing any symptoms of the virus. Potentially infected visitors are advised to self-isolate immediately and call 111. See further information. https://www.who.int/health-topics/coronavirus We would also request that all visitors consider any risks of exposure to the virus from recent travels. Please ensure that you take into consideration the COVID-19 status of countries you may have visited and inform us if you have travelled, from affected regions prior to the meeting. See further information and travel guidance https://www.gov.uk/guidance/travel-advice-novel-coronavirus
- We may require visitors travelling from affected countries to cancel their planned attendance
- We are advantageous in our 24/7 Worldwide service and workshop locations offering back up plans for our external engineers and worldwide parts supply
The safety of our employees and visitors is our main priority. We will be sure to contact you about your meetings with us if anything changes in terms of the safety of our offices.